Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Learning with the Brain in Mind

Learning with the Brain in Mind Review

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Learning with the Brain in Mind Feature

Learning with the Brain in Mind explores recent findings in neuroscience and combines them with learning theory in three crucial and interconnected ways: attention, emotions, and memory. McNeil explains how attention is the foundation for intellectual development as part of an essential survival strategy, how emotional relationships are the basis for brain growth and the acquisition of cognitive and social skills, and how memory has important influences on the sense of self and therefore on learning. The book provides:

  • Evidence of the controversial impacts of diet, television, and mineral supplements on learning, both at school and at home
  • Examples from three research studies offering insights into students' attitudes to life and learning in school
  • Practical strategies that help students to learn in more effective ways

Promoting new thinking about learning and innovative strategies that arise from our understanding of how the brain works, this book will be of interest to teachers, parents, and other educators who want to enhance children's learning.

Frank McNeil was director of the National School Improvement Network at the Institute of education, and a former headteacher, principal inspector for an outer London LEA, and an Ofsted Registered inspector.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Engaged Learning

Engaged Learning Review

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Engaged Learning Feature

Based on the idea of “flow”-a state of intrinsic control, curiosity, interest, and inquiry-this book provides strategies for encouraging students to become motivated, engaged learners.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of Psychological Factors on Education (Educational Psychology)

Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of Psychological Factors on Education (Educational Psychology) Review

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Improving Academic Achievement: Impact of Psychological Factors on Education (Educational Psychology) Feature

Social psychological research has revealed much about how personal and interpersonal factors impact academic achievement. The research has been reported in several different outlets but has never before been condensed in an easy to read, engaging book, targeting the hot topics of coffee table debates. This book does just that, offering review chapters by the most influential researchers of today, written for an audience of educational and cognitive psychologists as well as school administrators, teachers, policy makers, and parents. Section one focuses on what motivates students, how self-esteem affects the learning process, the consequences of achievement goals, the effects of student attributions of success and failure, self-handicapping, methods of strategic learning, and how to successfully use one's intelligence. Section two discusses how the offering of rewards may affect achievement, how teacher expectations may affect student performance, the effects of stereotypes, feedback, and social rejection. There's also a discussion of effective means of turning at-risk students into scholars, and how students can successfully traverse transitions to middle school.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman

Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman Review

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Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman Feature

Are you doing all you can to further your career as a software developer? With today's rapidly changing and ever-expanding technologies, being successful requires more than technical expertise. To grow professionally, you also need soft skills and effective learning techniques. Honing those skills is what this book is all about. Authors Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye have cataloged dozens of behavior patterns to help you perfect essential aspects of your craft.

Compiled from years of research, many interviews, and feedback from O'Reilly's online forum, these patterns address difficult situations that programmers, administrators, and DBAs face every day. And it's not just about financial success. Apprenticeship Patterns also approaches software development as a means to personal fulfillment. Discover how this book can help you make the best of both your life and your career.

Solutions to some common obstacles that this book explores in-depth include:

  • Burned out at work? "Nurture Your Passion" by finding a pet project to rediscover the joy of problem solving.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by new information? Re-explore familiar territory by building something you've built before, then use "Retreat into Competence" to move forward again.
  • Stuck in your learning? Seek a team of experienced and talented developers with whom you can "Be the Worst" for a while.

"Brilliant stuff! Reading this book was like being in a time machine that pulled me back to those key learning moments in my career as a professional software developer and, instead of having to learn best practices the hard way, I had a guru sitting on my shoulder guiding me every step towards master craftsmanship. I'll certainly be recommending this book to clients. I wish I had this book 14 years ago!" -Russ Miles, CEO, OpenCredo

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Being Smart about Gifted Education: A Guidebook for Educators and Parents

Being Smart about Gifted Education: A Guidebook for Educators and Parents Review

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Being Smart about Gifted Education: A Guidebook for Educators and Parents Feature

Written for both parents and educators who work with children of advanced abilities, Drs. Matthews and Foster present practical strategies to identify and nurture exceptionally high ability in children. They promote the mastery (rather than the mystery) model of gifted education and challenge several common practices and assumptions. They offer ways to determine each child's level of learning and say that it is simply appropriate to provide the educational experiences that every child needs at a particular time. Features include: Mastery vs. Mystery models, How giftedness develops, Relevant brain research, Use and misuse of assessment, Programming options, Social and behavioral concerns, Teacher development processes, Parenting strategies, and more.

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Friday, March 25, 2011

You've Got to Reach Them to Teach Them: Hard Facts About the Soft Skills of Student Engagement

You've Got to Reach Them to Teach Them: Hard Facts About the Soft Skills of Student Engagement Review

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You've Got to Reach Them to Teach Them: Hard Facts About the Soft Skills of Student Engagement Feature

Engagement is a hot topic these days among educators at all levels and in all disciplines. Standards, curricula, and assessment tools have been built and rebuilt to provide excellence and achievement, but now we re faced with the one variable that can turn all this effort into ash: the students. You ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them shows the reader how to engage students and bring out their best, and how to create an environment in which students feel confident and safe enough to take risks, make mistakes, and immerse themselves in stimulating learning experiences. Above all, this book demands that an authentic joy for learning be returned to the classroom. You ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them examines topics such as relationships, emotions, environment, and expectations, all of which have a major impact on student engagement. Each chapter is divided into three segments. Notes From the Field illustrates the chapter s topic in a real-life frame through mediums such as journal entries, vignettes, and student comments. The Discussion provides a closer look at the topic, including research and the topic s importance and relevance in the classroom. Steps Toward Solutions offers practical strategies for implementing the discussed ideas in the classroom. The author provides space for the reader to reflect on his or her thoughts at both the beginning and end of each chapter, and encourages the reader to set a goal of one new strategy as a result of the information given in the chapter.

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, 4th ed.

On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, 4th ed. Review

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On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, 4th ed. Feature

Raising happy, successful children is a goal of every parent of gifted children. In On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children, the nation's leading authority on the psychology of gifted children offers advice and encouragement for both parents and teachers. In a thoughtful, conversational style, the author offers an in-depth look at the complex social and emotional issues faced by gifted children. This revised and updated fourth edition of the popular text contains more than 10 new chapters, featuring contributions by scholars on gifted children's development from across the nation. On the Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Children tackles important and timely issues dealing with the social and emotional needs of today's gifted children, including who gifted children are and what giftedness means; how parents, teachers, and counselors can guide gifted children; the issues facing gifted students in the 21st century such as technology and terrorism; and how the education of gifted children can adapt for the future. This concise, sensitive look at gifted children and their social and emotional world offers unique insights for both teachers and parents who support these special children.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Power of SMART Goals: Using Goals to Improve Student Learning

The Power of SMART Goals: Using Goals to Improve Student Learning Review

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The Power of SMART Goals: Using Goals to Improve Student Learning Feature

The Power of SMART Goals shows readers how to transform their schools into places where every student is meeting and exceeding standards by shifting thinking to a focus on results. When goals are not used to prioritize efforts and resources, which in turn focuses behavior, people naturally return to the daily list of urgent problems, issues, crises, and new initiatives, ending each day feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of activities. Furthermore, goal setting is rarely used at the classroom level to improve rates of learning, even though they are powerful in improving achievement. This book s premise is that by implementing SMART (Strategic and Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-based and Time-bound) goals, educators have the ability to transform their schools and classrooms into places where each and every student meets and exceeds standards. Before educators can embrace SMART goals, however, they must first focus their thinking on results. The authors present several frameworks for adult and student goal-setting and then discuss: the barriers to goal-setting and monitoring; how to keep goals alive through supportive systems, policies, structures, and skill-building; the role of assessment in goal-setting; the power of goals to improve curriculum, instruction, and assessment; the role of professional development practices in goal-setting and improvement; how to build capacity for goal-oriented thinking; and case studies from real schools that are turning challenges into opportunities for learning and improvement.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Little Boy Book: A Guide to the First Eight Years

The Little Boy Book: A Guide to the First Eight Years Review

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The Little Boy Book: A Guide to the First Eight Years Feature

"One of the only child-raising books that does justice to the importance of genetics and heredity...jam-packed with valuable information for every parent."
Complete, authoritative, and sensible, this excellent resource draws on four years of research, and numerous studies and interviews, made public here for the first time. From the day you bring him home through his crucial elementary school years, you will learn: how boys develop differently than girls; where "male aggressiveness" originates; how working moms and their little boys can have a good relationship; and much more.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Science of Personality

The Science of Personality Review

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The Science of Personality Feature

The Science of Personality, 2/e, focuses on the field of personality psychology as it is studied by researchers today. Offering students an up-to-date picture of the field and of the challenges faced by personality psychologists, it also explores how current research is put to use in the real world. The book examines the structure of personality--including traits, motives, and cognition--and the determinants of the unfolding of personality over time. In addition, it provides in-depth consideration of contemporary areas of such research as the self, unconscious processes, mind-body connections, and reasons why people do and do not change.
The Science of Personality, 2/e, addresses questions and issues relating to the field of personality psychology today, including:
· Which trait, motive, and cognitive units are fundamental to the study of personality? · How do genes and environments interact to produce an individual's personality? · To what extent is personality stable over time and across situations? · What is the nature of the self and to what extent does the concept of the self differ across cultures? · What is the relationship of thoughts and feelings to physical health?
Paying particular attention to recent developments in cross-cultural research, positive psychology, and biological foundations of personality, The Science of Personality, 2/e, is an ideal text or supplement for undergraduate courses in personality psychology and advanced personality.

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