5 Necessary Skills to Keep Your Career on Track: Negotiate a Job Offer, Interview Questions, Career Changes, Job Searches, Cover Letters, Resume, Being Proactive, Dealing With Bad Managers, Networking Review
5 Necessary Skills to Keep Your Career on Track: Negotiate a Job Offer, Interview Questions, Career Changes, Job Searches, Cover Letters, Resume, Being Proactive, Dealing With Bad Managers, Networking Feature
The Job-Seeker's Bible
The Future of Jobs: How to Find and Keep the Right Job.
This new edition focuses on helping to craft the mindset necessary to maintain continuous employment given the new workplace environment and how we communicate, how companies recruit and hire, your ability to adapt and change, and comprehend the very nature of the jobs you will hold going forward.
Whether you're searching for a new job or trying to hang on to the one you have, 5 Necessary Skills will give you the advantages you need.
You'll learn:
* how to be proactive
* how to be cognizant of and recognize what's going on in your company
* the importance of networking
* the importance of finding a mentor
* and how to deal with bad bosses.
Those people who exhibit the 5 Necessary Skills are the ones who will get and hold onto the best jobs - and you could be one of them.
"Being prepared for the twists and turns and disappointments of today's job market means we have to take control of our lives and gain knowledge about how to handle them."
-Carol Kleiman, Author of Winning the Job Game: The New Rules for Finding and Keeping the Job You Want
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