Wednesday, August 31, 2011

110 Strategies for Success in College and Life

110 Strategies for Success in College and Life Review

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110 Strategies for Success in College and Life Feature

110 Strategies for Success in College and Life offers students clear presentations of 110 strategies to guide them through to college graduation and beyond. These principles are derived from numerous research studies from a wide range of areas within psychology, as well as from the authors' many years of experience as college professors, researchers, and student advisors. This book closes the gap between scientific knowledge and its application to college success. Topics include information processing and learning; critical thinking and decision making; identifying and achieving goals; managing time, money and energy; reading and writing effectively; reducing test anxiety; knowing thyself; and preparing for a career. The latest research findings are presented. It is a valuable guide for freshman, whether coming right out of high school or after a hiatus of years working and/or taking care of a family. This book is particularly appropriate for minority and first generation college students who may have fewer mentors to help them along the college path. Each chapter offers case studies of successful students to serve as role models. The focus of the book is on the practical application of the strategies in the student's daily life within a framework of flexibility, integrity, and balance.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Brain Framing

Brain Framing Review

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Brain Framing Feature

Brain Framing is a book of ideas for thinking about thinking in the classroom, ideas to help us frame the brains of students in ways that are productive, powerful, and personal. This book will help teachers to engage brains in three fresh ways: framing student learning into more personalized experiences that utilize new research on the brain, the body, and the spirit; creating brain-friendly classroom environments that link sensory and cognitive experiences in ways that reduce stress for both the teacher and the student; and organizing content into meaningful chunks and layers that fit into the unique frames of students brains. Filled with a variety of new teaching strategies, curriculum-enhancing ideas, lesson-planning samples and reproducible templates based on current scientific research, Brain Framing is the perfect resource for any teacher who wants to begin planning with the brain in mind.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cultural Processes: A Social Psychological Perspective (Culture and Psychology)

Cultural Processes: A Social Psychological Perspective (Culture and Psychology) Review

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Cultural Processes: A Social Psychological Perspective (Culture and Psychology) Feature

With the rapid growth of knowledge concerning ethnic and national group differences in human behaviors in the last two decades, researchers are increasingly curious as to why, how, and when such differences surface. The field is ready to leapfrog from a descriptive science of group differences to a science of cultural processes. The goal of this book is to lay the theoretical foundation for this exciting development by proposing an original process model of culture. This new perspective discusses and extends contemporary social psychological theories of social cognition and social motivation to explain why culture matters in human psychology. We view culture as a loose network of imperfectly shared knowledge representations for coordinating social transactions. As such, culture serves different adaptive functions important for individuals' goal pursuits. Furthermore, with the increasingly globalized and hyper-connected multicultural space, much can be revealed about how different cultural traditions come into contact. The authors discuss the psychological ramifications of these cultural interactions to illuminate the social and practical relevance of the proposed process model of culture.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Will to Learn: A Guide for Motivating Young People

The Will to Learn: A Guide for Motivating Young People Review

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The Will to Learn: A Guide for Motivating Young People Feature

Martin Covington introduces the basic principles of motivation in a readable, nontechnical form as they apply to classroom learning. He argues against the popular notion that the problems existing in schools today stem primarily from a lack of student motivation. Instead, he asserts that students are motivated, but often for the wrong reasons. Traditional teaching methods, including conventional grading procedures and an emphasis on competition, can contribute to student demoralization, and Covington identifies the ways in which students respond to misguided incentives. The book suggests practical, concrete ways that teachers can transform classroom incentives into a positive desire to learn. It features a series of illustrative exercises at the end of each chapter and includes the latest research on gender and ethnic differences in motivation and learning in schools.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Teaching from the Middle of the Room

Teaching from the Middle of the Room Review

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Teaching from the Middle of the Room Feature

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Social Psychology of Culture (Principles of Social Psychology)

Social Psychology of Culture (Principles of Social Psychology) Review

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Social Psychology of Culture (Principles of Social Psychology) Feature

As the speed of globalization accelerates, world cultures are more closely connected to each other than ever before. But what exactly is culture? It seems to be involved in all psychological processes, but can its psychological consequences be studied scientifically? How can cultural differences be described without reifying culture and reinforcing cultural stereotypes? Culture and mind constitute each other, but how? Why do humans need culture? How did the evolution of the mind enable the development of human culture? How does participation in culture transform the mind, and how does the mind process and apply culture? How may culture become a resource for pursuing valued goals, and how does culture become part of the self? How do culture travelers navigate cultures and negotiate multiple cultural identities?

The authors of this volume offer a refreshing theoretical perspective and organize seemingly disparate research evidence into a coherent body of psychological knowledge. With its accessible language and lively narrative, this volume engages its readers in an intellectual journey through the fascinating research literatures in psychology, anthropology, and the cognate disciplines.

This book will make an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses on psychology and culture, cultural studies, cognitive anthropology, and intercultural communication.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Einfluss Impliziter Pers?nlichkeitstheorien auf emotionale Reaktionen und Leistungsver?nderungen nach negativem Feedback im modifizierten Lernpotenzial-Assessment Center (German Edition)

Einfluss Impliziter Pers?nlichkeitstheorien auf emotionale Reaktionen und Leistungsver?nderungen nach negativem Feedback im modifizierten Lernpotenzial-Assessment Center (German Edition) Review

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Einfluss Impliziter Pers?nlichkeitstheorien auf emotionale Reaktionen und Leistungsver?nderungen nach negativem Feedback im modifizierten Lernpotenzial-Assessment Center (German Edition) Feature

Diplomarbeit, die am 01.02.2004 erfolgreich an einer Universit?t in Deutschland im Fachbereich Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakult?t eingereicht wurde. Einleitung: Um die Motivation und die Pers?nlichkeit einer Person in Leistungssituationen genauer untersuchen zu k?nnen, ist es notwendig, die wichtigsten Verhaltensmuster zu identifizieren und diese mit zugrundeliegenden psychologischen Prozessen zu verkn?pfen (Dweck und Leggett, 1988). Die Leistungs-Motivations-Theorie von Dweck (Dweck, 1986; Dweck und Leggett, 1988; Chiu, Dweck und Hong, 1995a und b) spannt einen Erkl?rungsrahmen auf, um genau dieser Fragestellung nachzugehen. Einen wichtigen Bestandteil dieser Theorie bilden die Impliziten Pers?nlichkeitstheorien, die ebenfalls von Dweck entwickelt wurden. Dweck beschreibt 2 Auspr?gungen Impliziter Pers?nlichkeitstheorien: die 'Entity Theory' (Nicht-Ver?nderbarkeitstheorie) und die 'Incremental Theory' (Ver?nderbarkeitstheorie), welche sich dahingehend voneinander unterscheiden, dass Vertreter der 1.Theorie verst?rkt an die Stabilit?t pers?nlicher Merkmale glauben, w?hrend Vertreter der 'Incremental Theory' davon ?berzeugt sind, dass menschliche Attribute ver?nderbar sind. Vor dem oben dargestellten Hintergrund ist es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, den Einfluss der Impliziten Pers?nlichkeitstheorien auf die emotionale Reaktion sowie die Leistungsver?nderung (im Folgenden als Lernleistung bezeichnet) nach Erhalt negativen Feedbacks zu untersuchen. Die konkrete Leistungssituation stellt in diesem Experiment eine Aufgabe dar, die im Rahmen des modifizierten Lernpotenzial-Assessment Centers von Stangel-Meseke (1999, 2001) umgesetzt wurde. Es handelt sich dabei um 2 Rollenspiele, welche die Versuchsperson (Vp) als F?hrungskraft mit der Versuchsleiterin als dessen Mitarbeiterin durchf?hrt. Darin werden die Leistungen der Versuchsperson im Bereich 'F?hrungskompetenz' im 1. und 2. Rollenspiel erfasst, bewertet und mite

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Handbook of Self and Identity

Handbook of Self and Identity Review

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Handbook of Self and Identity Feature

The self has emerged as a central construct in many domains of behavioral and social science. This state-of-the-science volume brings together an array of leading authorities to comprehensively review theory and research in this burgeoning area. Coverage includes the content, structure, and organization of the self; processes related to agency, regulation, and self-control; self-evaluation and self-related motivation and emotion; interpersonal and cultural issues; and self-development across evolutionary time and the lifespan. Also examined are ways that the development of the self can go awry, resulting in emotional and behavioral problems.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Motivating Students, Improving Schools (Advances in Motivation and Achievement)

Motivating Students, Improving Schools (Advances in Motivation and Achievement) Review

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Motivating Students, Improving Schools (Advances in Motivation and Achievement) Feature

For nearly two decades, this series has reflected and chronicled the interests, insights, findings and concerns of motivational researchers. This volume is unique in that it grew out of a conference honoring a major contributor to the motivational literature, Carol Midgley. Yet, it too reflects the richness and variety that exists across motivation research today. While the authors tend to work within a goal theory perspective, they reflect concerns with the range of questions that interest motivation researchers more broadly. True to the tradition established by Carol Midgley, the chapters also exhibit a considered and creative concern with the "real world of achievement". The studies reported or reviewed are largely field-based. The implications drawn have relevance to practitioner as well as theorist.

Especially noteworthy is that this collection of chapters does more than review the past. It points to the future - in several ways: Asking challenging questions, regarding the implications of current motivation theory for school reform, portraying the potential of new research methods, re-examining tried and true conceptions of the nature and nurture of motivation, suggesting new issues and pointing to new venues for application.

All in all, this particular volume stands not only as a testament to the life and work of one major figure in the field, but goes a considerable distance in reflecting the diversity of interests and concerns within motivation research more broadly. It also points to what is missing, what has been overlooked, and what needs to be done. Those who are especially concerned with theory, research methods, or applications will each find something of interest and of worth - regardless of their theoretical perspective or specific research focus.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Handbook of Self-Regulation

Handbook of Self-Regulation Review

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Handbook of Self-Regulation Feature

The Handbook of Self-Regulation represents state-of-the-art coverage of the latest theory, research, and developments in applications of self-regulation research. Chapters are of interest to psychologists interested in the development and operation of self-regulation as well as applications to health, organizational, clinical, and educational psychology.
This book pulls together theory, research, and applications in the self-regulation domain and provides broad coverage of conceptual, methodological, and treatment issues. In view of the burgeoning interest and massive research on various aspects of self-regulation, the time seems ripe for this Handbook, aimed at reflecting the current state of the field. The goal is to provide researchers, students, and clinicians in the field with substantial state-of-the-art overviews, reviews, and reflections on the conceptual and methodological issues and complexities particular to self-regulation research.

Key Features
* Coverage of state-of-the-art in self-regulation research from different perspectives
* Application of self-regulation research to health, clinical, organizational, and educational psychology
* Brings together in one volume research on self-regulation in different subdisciplines
* Most comprehensive and penetrating compendium of information on self-regulation from multi-disciplinary perspectives

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