Monday, January 31, 2011

Competency-based Performance Reviews: How to Perform Employee Evaluations the Fortune 500 Way

Competency-based Performance Reviews: How to Perform Employee Evaluations the Fortune 500 Way Review

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Competency-based Performance Reviews: How to Perform Employee Evaluations the Fortune 500 Way Feature

Managers working in today's organizations often focus more on results than on the people who achieve those results. But regularly evaluating the performance of your employees is critical to improving the efficiency and output of your organization.

Performance reviews have changed significantly in the past few years. Companies today are looking for the key characteristics, known as competencies, that help the most successful people in their field to be so successful. Managers and employees need to focus on those competencies, especially during performance review discussions.

Competency-Based Performance Reviews offers you a new and more effective way to handle performance reviews and to coach your employees to emphasize the knowledge, skills, and abilities that they have and the organization needs. Most sophisticated U.S. and international employers are using competency-based systems to select, interview, and evaluate the performance of employees. Fortune 500 corporations such as American Express, Anheuser Busch, Coca-Cola, Disney, Federal Express, IBM, Johnson & Johnson, and Pfizer are all looking for specific competencies.

This book will give you the guidance you need to:
* Perform competency-based reviews on your employees.
* Help your team get the recognition they deserve in division meetings by providing the evidence to justify higher performance rankings.
* Develop your own competencies--and those of your employees.
* Coach employees to recognize competency-based accomplishments and advocate for themselves throughout the year.
* Write smarter, targeted competency-based accomplishment statements to use on performance review forms.

By putting these competency-based performance reviews into practice, managers can strengthen their organziations, their careers, as well as the careers of their employees. Competency-Based Performance Reviews includes sample phrases to use on reviews, as well as sample accomplishment statements to guide employees to improving and writing their own

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

SWITCH: Cómo cambiar las cosas cuando cambiar es difícil (Vintage Espanol) (Spanish Edition)

SWITCH: Cómo cambiar las cosas cuando cambiar es difícil (Vintage Espanol) (Spanish Edition) Review

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SWITCH: Cómo cambiar las cosas cuando cambiar es difícil (Vintage Espanol) (Spanish Edition) Feature

¿Por qué es tan difícil lograr cambios duraderos en nuestros trabajos, nuestras comunidades y nuestras propias vidas?

El obstáculo principal es un conflicto intrínsico en el cerebro, nos dicen Chip y Dan Heath, dos reconocidos especialistas en comportamiento organizacional. Los psicólogos han descubierto que la mente está gobernada por dos sistemas diferentes —la mente racional y la mente emocional— que compiten por el control. La mente racional quiere un cuerpo perfecto; la mente emocional quiere comerse esa galleta. La mente racional quiere cambiar el trabajo; la mente emocional ama la comodidad y la rutina. Esta tensión puede causar que muchos esfuerzos por cambiar fracasen, pero si se superan, el cambio puede llegar rápidamente.

En Switch, los hermanos Heath muestran cómo personas normales y corrientes han unido estas dos mentes, logrando espectaculares resultados:
·        La directora quien ayudó a Target, a pesar de ser una compañía minorista regional que facturaba tres billones de dólares, a convertirise en un gigante de más de 63 billones dólares.
·        La directora de servicios clínicos que, junto con su equipo de enfermeras, logró reducir drásticamente los errores en la administración de medicamentos en su hospital.
·        El director de atención al cliente que transformó a su compañía de una que ignoraba totalmente el servicio al cliente a ser una compañía definida por él.
En este convincente relato, los Heath reúnen décadas de investigación en los campos de psicología, sociología y negocios entre muchos otros, para explicar por qué cambiar es tan difícil y dar a conocer nuevas maneras de lograr cambios duraderos. Switch muestra que los cambios exitosos siguen un modelo, un modelo que puedes utilizar para lograr los cambios que tú quieras, tanto si tu interés se centra en cambiar el mundo como en cambiar tu cintura.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

21st-Century Learning in School Libraries

21st-Century Learning in School Libraries Review

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21st-Century Learning in School Libraries Feature

Ever since the initial release of the AASL's Standards for the 21st-Century Learner, School Library Media Activities Monthly magazine has consistently focused on providing librarians with the information and strategies they need to help students achieve those standards. Now from the pages of that magazine—renamed School Library Monthly—comes a collection that no school library or librarian should be without.

21st-Century Learning in School Libraries: Putting the AASL Standards To Work brings together the ideas and methods of leading school librarians and educators across the nation, all focused on meeting the new standards. The book begins with a survey of 21st-century learning documents and an examination of how learning has changed for today's student. It offers a wide range of articles—over 90 in all—in a series of chapters on key themes, a vision for successful school libraries, inquiry, collaboration, assessment, reading, and pedagogical strategies. Each chapter has an introduction, discussion questions, and promotional and advocacy strategies.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education

Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education Review

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Making Learning Whole: How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education Feature

New in Paperback! Make learning more meaningful by teaching the "whole game"

David Perkins, a noted authority on teaching and learning and co-director of Harvard's Project Zero, introduces a practical and research-based framework for teaching. He describes how teaching any subject at any level can be made more effective if students are introduced to the "whole game," rather than isolated pieces of a discipline. Perkins explains how learning academic subjects should be approached like learning baseball or any game, and he demonstrates this with seven principles for making learning whole: from making the game worth playing (emphasizing the importance of motivation to sustained learning), to working on the hard parts (the importance of thoughtful practice), to learning how to learn (developing self-managed learners).

  • Vividly explains how to organize learning in ways that allow people to do important things with what they know
  • Offers guidelines for transforming education to prepare our youth for success in a rapidly changing world
  • Filled with real-world, illustrative examples of the seven principles

At the end of each chapter, Perkins includes "Wonders of Learning," a summary of the key ideas.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Differentiation: From Planning to Practice, Grades 6-12

Differentiation: From Planning to Practice, Grades 6-12 Review

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Differentiation: From Planning to Practice, Grades 6-12 Feature

In this refreshing addition to differentiated learning literature, Rick Wormeli takes readers step-by-step from the blank page to a fully crafted differentiation lesson. Along the way he shows middle and high school teachers and behind-the-scenes planning that goes into effective lesson design for diverse classrooms.

Rick demonstrates how to weave common and novel differentiation strategies into all subjects and offers clear advice about what to do when things don't go as expected. Based on nearly thirty years of experience as a teacher and instructional coach, Rick's thoughtful and imaginative classroom accommodations will help teachers succeed with advanced students, struggling students, English language learners, and students across the multiple intelligences spectrum.

A thorough and practice guide, Differentiation: From Planning to Practice also provides an overview of the cognitive science behind differentiation as well as a more than two-dozen tools that make differentiation doable in the classroom. This is an essential resource for all reflective teachers.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Kinds of Smart: How the Science of Learnable Intelligence is Changing Education (Expanding Educational Horizons)

New Kinds of Smart: How the Science of Learnable Intelligence is Changing Education (Expanding Educational Horizons) Review

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New Kinds of Smart: How the Science of Learnable Intelligence is Changing Education (Expanding Educational Horizons) Feature

"New Kinds of Smart is an intelligent book about intelligence, the many things that go into it, and how educators can help students to get more of the cornucopia."
Professor David Perkins, Harvard University, USA

"This is an important and welcome book. It cuts through the hype about what the latest findings from cognitive neuroscience can, and more important, cannot tell us, and provides a comprehensive overview of what we know about learning."
Professor Dylan Wiliam, Institute of Education, University of London

"This immensely readable book explains the developments of learning theory and then applies those developments to classroom practice and takes that next vital step of explaining what that means for a learner."
Professor Mick Waters, Chairman of The Curriculum Foundation

20th Century schools presumed that students' intelligence was largely fixed. 21st century science says that intelligence is expandable - and in a variety of ways. New Kinds of Smart argues that this shift in the way we think about young minds opens up hitherto unexplored possibilities for education.

For the first time ever, New Kinds of Smart brings together all the main strands of research about intelligence in one book and explains these new ideas to practising teachers and educators. Each chapter presents practical examples, tools and templates so that each new strand of thinking can be woven into their work as teachers and into their lives as learners.

Topics covered include:

  • Composite intelligence
  • Distributed intelligence
  • Expandable intelligence
  • Social intelligence
  • Practical intelligence
  • Strategic intelligence
  • Intuitive intelligence
  • Ethical intelligence

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Monday, January 24, 2011

Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching: Assessment, Activities and Strategies for Success

Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching: Assessment, Activities and Strategies for Success Review

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Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching: Assessment, Activities and Strategies for Success Feature

Discover proven strategies for applyingpositive psychology within your coaching practice

Written by Robert Biswas-Diener, a respected researcher, psychologist, life and organizational coach, and expert in positive psychology, Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching presents a wide range of practical interventions and tools you can put to use right away in your coaching practice.

Each intervention is clearly outlined and, where appropriate, illustrated by case studies from organizational and life coaching. Providing unique assessments that can be used to evaluate client resources and goals, this practical guide introduces tools unique to this book that every professional can use in their practice, including:

  • Findings from new research on goal commitment strategies, motivation, growth-mindset theory, and goal revision

  • A decision tree for working specifically with Snyder's Hope Theory in the coaching context

  • An easy-to-use assessment of "positive diagnosis," which measures client strengths, values, positive orientation toward the future, and satisfaction

  • Measures of self-esteem, optimism, happiness, personal strengths, motivation, and creativity

  • Guidance for leading clients through organizational and common life transitions including layoffs, leadership changes, university graduation, middle age, and retirement

Filled with reflective exercises for use in your own personal and professional development, Practicing Positive Psychology Coaching also includes guidance and recommendations for marketing a positive psychology coaching practice.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Skinny on Success: Why not you?

The Skinny on Success: Why not you? Review

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The Skinny on Success: Why not you? Feature

In Jim Randel's distinct and unique format of telling a story through skinny stick people, readers will see success in a new light as they learn the tools that will help them to become victorious or, if they want to flourish even more, how to take their dreams about achieving to the next level. The Skinny on Success will explain how to: Identify the three steps in the process that leads to success that triumphant people take; See the importance of passion, action, & persistence; Decide how big a role talent plays in becoming successful; Be inspired by the examples of Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, John Grisham, and others, who went from rejection after rejection to huge triumphs; Benefit from the author's synthesis of the key findings from illuminating books on success, including Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, Daniel Coyne's the Talent Code, and others.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds

Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds Review

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Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds Feature

'What if I were to tell you that a psychopathic arsonist might also be the person most likely to save you from a burning building'? This book is about a special kind of persuasion: 'flipnosis'. It has an incubation period of just seconds, and can instantly disarm even the most discerning mind. Flipnosis is black-belt mind control. It doesn't just turn the tables, it kicks them over. From the malign but fascinating powers of psychopaths, serial killers and con men to the political genius of Winston Churchill - via the grandmasters of martial arts, Buddhist monks, magicians, advertisers, salesmen, CEOs and frogs that mug each other - Kevin Dutton's brilliantly original and revelatory book explores what cutting-edge science can teach us about the techniques of persuasion.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture

Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture Review

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Wounded by School: Recapturing the Joy in Learning and Standing Up to Old School Culture Feature

*** 2010 ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award Finalist in Education

*** 2009 Notable Education Book by American School Board Journal

''Kirsten Olson has written a book that is at once intellectually engaging and replete with usable resources and proposals for action.... May this splendid book be read, discussed, taken to heart, and put into action by a growing company of educational 'wounded healers.'''
-- From the Foreword by Parker J. Palmer, author of The Courage to Teach

''This wonderful and probing book is filled with powerful, poignant, passionate stories; stories that are at once fragile and strong, painful and enduring. They make us mourn the losses of laughter and opportunity in schools, weep at the lingering sadness and sorrow in schools, laugh at the absurdities; and grin at the moments of mischief and inspiration.''
-- From the Foreword by Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Harvard Graduate School of Education

''A brilliant, original, and important book. Wounded by School makes an eloquent and moving case for the radical re-invention of our schools.''
-- Tony Wagner, author of The Global Achievement Gap and Co-Director of the Change Leadership Group (CLG)

''Kirsten Olson's book is refreshingly unlike the general run of sludge I associate with writing about pedagogy: It seems to be entirely free of the familiar platitudes which replace thought when we read about school matters, is scrubbed clean of pretentious jargon, and offers up the twists and turns of Olson's analysis and citations with beautiful clarity. I can't imagine anyone not being better for reading this book Twice!'' --John Taylor Gatto, Author, Dumbing Us Down

While reformers and policymakers focus on achievement gaps, testing, and accountability, millions of students mentally and emotionally disengage from learning and many gifted teachers leave the field. Ironically, today's schooling is damaging the single most essential component to education -- the joy of learning.
How do we recognize the ''wounds'' caused by outdated schooling policies? How do we heal them? In her controversial new book, education writer and critic Kirsten Olson brings to light the devastating consequences of an educational approach that values conformity over creativity, flattens student's interests, and dampens down differences among learners. Drawing on deeply emotional stories, Olson shows that current institutional structures do not produce the kinds of minds and thinking that society really needs. Instead, the system tends to shame, disable, and bore many learners. Most importantly, she presents the experiences of wounded learners who have healed and shows what teachers, parents, and students can do right now to help themselves stay healthy.

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